Litter #1
6 babies born on July 30, 2011
Female: Evita (Classic Northern)
Bred with: Wasp (Classic Northern)
Baby B – SOLD
Baby B is a very independant and explorative skink. With bold orange sides he’s quite a looker, and he’ll make a fantastic and active pet.
Baby L – SOLD
Baby L is an active and curious baby. He received his name because of his light colors. He’s a bit defensive in his tank but a total doll once out.
Baby O – SOLD
Baby O is gorgeous and full of personality. He can be a bit skittish, but mostly he’s a very curious skink. He has a unique little O in the center of one of his bands.
Baby X – SOLD
Baby X is a stunning skink with orange on black sides and brains to match. He’s an extremely confident guy and loves exploring.
Baby Y – SOLD
Baby Y is a calm and curious young skink who seems to like wandering. He has very clear banding on his back with great colors.
Baby Z – SOLD
Baby Z is a boldly colored skink who likes to huff. He’s a bit skittish, but very active and he tries to get into everything.