I’m happy to announce that ME has had a fantastic breeding season this year, which will hopefully lead to the best baby season we’ve ever seen. Overall we had 11 females breed. Today’s update will focus on the non-Aussie pairings, with an update on the Northern pairings to follow in another update.
Note: No matter how good a female looks, there is never a guarantee of babies. Cross your fingers!
We’ll start with my Irian Jayas. Three IJ girls bred this year, unfortunately all to the same male (anyone want to send some boys my way?).
IJ Female #1: Izuru
Izuru is definitely looking large, but she’s been known to fake pregnancies in the past, so I can only wait and hope.
IJ Female #2: Toriyama
Tori is just stunningly huge right now! I would be shocked if she wasn’t pregnant.
IJ Female #3: Tsukasa
Tsukasa is a tiny girl, and it’s hard to say whether she’s full of babies or not. Her behaviour is leaning towards being pregnant, so I’m hopeful.
Next up is the Meraukes. This year I had two separate pairs breed: Canasta with Nevada and Jaxi with Rollie.
Merauke Female #1: Canasta
Canasta has always been a bulky girl, but her size and behaviour have me very hopeful to finally see some baby Meraukes here.
Merauke Female #2: Jaxi
Jaxi is a pancake skink – flat as can be. Her pregnancy signs have been on and off all season, so it’s just a wait and see situation now.
Next update will be a run down of the northerns who bred this year. Check back soon 🙂
Many thanks,