I’ve added a new “Extra” to my BMAC page – an adorable sticker of Chibi-Pryce!
This is my first attempt using BMAC to sell anything, so I’m not sure it’s set up correctly. If you buy one I need your address for shipping, but I’m not sure if BMAC has that setting, so the first purchases may be a bit wonky.
If this goes well we have some really adorable merchandise coming in courtesy of Fire & Ice Designs. More on those coming soon! My goal is to be able to send something each month to BMAC members, but also to have it available as a one-off purchase for those who want to control what they’re getting.
And BMAC members, I need your addresses to ship you a present too as a thank you!
PS: If anyone is a BMAC whiz, lmk. Thx!