Website Update

There’s been a few changes here at ME and that’s been reflected in an update to the ME website.

The biggest change here is that I’ve hired someone to assist me with customer e-mails!
For the past several years I have been using my personal e-mail and phone number for ME business. However ME has become more popular and it’s gotten to the point where I often get 6+ e-mails and phone calls a day. ME is a hobby to me (I’m a full time student right now), so I’ve been struggling to keep up with all these messages.
Thankfully the cavalry has arrived in the form of my younger sister, Kortny, who’s already ME’s resident gecko-expert. She has agreed to take on the majority of the e-mails 😀
We’re currently working on migrating everything over for the e-mails, but please start using our new e-mail – – for all ME business.

The next most important update is there is now a list of some fantastic US blue tongue skink breeders available on the ME Links page.
For anyone looking for a blue tongue in the USA here are the people to contact:
Andrew Seike in California:
Donna in Nevada:
James in California:
Jeff in Arizona:
Ray in Florida:
Zach in Oregon:
Susann in Utah:

Breeding season is almost here, both for the blue tongue skinks and fat tail geckos. For summer 2015 we’re hoping to get babies from:
Blue Tongue Skinks:
Classic Northerns, Caramel Northerns, Irian Jayas, Silver & Yellow Tanimbars, & Meraukes.
Fat Tail Geckos:
Amelanistic, Caramel Albino, Classic, Pattternless, Stripe, Whiteout, Zero/Stinger, & combinations of those.
As always we’ll be ecstatic with whatever babies we manage to get 🙂

Many pages on the website have received updates now. The collection pages and the ME Facebook page are still in desperate need of updates, so once we’ve migrated the e-mails fully that will be the next project 🙂

Thank you for your continued support!

About Fatal_S

My name is Melanie Pratt and I am an animal addict. My current addiction is Blue Tongue Skinks, and I have about 20 breeding adults right now.
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