I am ecstatic to announce that Trouble, my caramel northern female, gave birth to 15 adorable babies yesterday (June 20)!
These are the first caramel northerns born in Canada! The caramel line originated in the USA from line-breeding done by the amazing James Wilson. My caramel female is directly from his wonderful line.
Trouble went from being over 700g to dropping to 365g. She is flat as a pancake now – she’ll need several good meals to get back to her normal rotund shape. Before and after photos (click to see larger images):
The father of these babies is the exceptionally gorgeous Jenga:
And finally, some photos of the babies:
There are 3 babies not pictured. One, the smallest baby, is very weak right now; I didn’t want to pester him too much outside of making sure he had some food and water. The other two somehow just got passed over during photo time (I must have skipped part of a row). I’ll try to figure out who I missed and get photos of them up too.
Once the babies complete their first sheds I’ll create a page for the entire litter with many more pictures so you can really see what each one looks like 😀
My fingers are crossed for a couple more successful litters this year; my classic northern and irian jaya girls are looking very promising!